June 13, 2024
Revolution Aerospace Australia (RevAero) is excited to announce that it has been awarded a Round 2 - Emerging Aviation Technologies Partnership (EATP) Program Grant by the Commonwealth Government. This grant, valued at approximately $1.7 million, will allow RevAero to accelerate enabling drone technologies and prepare for operations to support Torres Strait communities. The project will commence in July 2024 and conclude by July 2025.
Building on the remarkable progress made in EATP Round 1, RevAero is positioned to significantly impact drone logistics and operations, providing drone solutions with commercially viable ranges and payloads that can practically enhance regional connectivity and supply chains.
The project will see RevAero develop and deploy a middle and last-mile integrated drone cargo logistics capability to the Torres Strait. This includes an Integrated Drone Logistics Platform (IDLP) that interfaces with existing logistics systems, offering advanced routing and scheduling capabilities for cargo distribution across the RevAero network. RevAero’s Fleet Management Platform (FMP) will enable a single pilot to manage multiple UAVs, a critical advancement for scaling commercial drone operations, leveraging RevAero’s work under EATP Round 1.
In collaboration with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Lifesaving New South Wales, RevAero will enhance automated detection capabilities in maritime environments by developing a state-of-the-art search and rescue surveillance payload. Additionally, RevAero will mature its Detect and Avoid (DAA) payload to pre-commercial stages, integrating it with the FMP for improved safety and operational efficiency.
RevAero is deeply committed to engaging with indigenous communities throughout the Torres Strait Islands. In partnership with Patty Mills and The Mills Foundation, RevAero will work to identify specific community needs, define operational routes, and determine suitable locations for facilities.
RevAero will also explore its capabilities in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations, demonstrating how drone technologies can facilitate safe, responsive, and effective aid delivery in the Torres Strait regions.
On the regulatory front, RevAero aims to address regulatory barriers associated with Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations by achieving Australia’s first SAIL III approval in collaboration with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).
RevAero is dedicated to catalysing the Australian aviation industry by promoting competition, efficiency, and reliability. The project aims to educate the Australian Emerging Aviation Technology (EAT) industry, providing an avenue for growing EAT experts in Australia. By attracting interest and talent to RevAero and its partners, the project seeks to strengthen the overall capability and innovation within the sector.
The project will take place in the Torres Strait Islands and RevAero's headquarters in South-East Queensland.
For further information on the project, queries can be sent to eatp@revn.aero

Image: RevAero team during HT-100 Test Flights